Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Dream Baby and the Rotten Egg

These nights will be the death of me! Two babies to feed and get back to bed, and they cry if anyone enters the nursery at night but me!
Sophie has learned to put herself to sleep. YAY! What an accomplishment. This means that she sleeps most of the night, and only wakes up to eat. Last night she woke up one time! Also YAY! And all I have to do to get her back to sleep is lay her in her crib. And she's out. All cuddled up, she loves to sleep. If I had one baby, imagine the sleep I would be getting!
Jack on the other hand needs a good rocking to go to sleep. He needs to feel just right to settle in. He usually wakes up about twice overnight(on a good night). On a bad night...look out. Mommy is never very happy the next day! His 6:00 wake up is never very nice either. I don't want to see anyone at 6:00 am after no sleep the night before. But when I get him out of his crib he is all smiles. And this morning I got an extra little snuggle on my shoulder as we went into the bathroom to see Daddy before he left for work. I guess that makes it all worth it. Even if it is a little hard to smile back at 6:00 am.
For now I just have to dream of a time when I will sleep again. I hope it isn't too far off!


Mom2Zoey said...

Yeah for Sophie! Some might say I am a meany but I let both my girls CIO after about 5 months. They need to be able to put themselves to sleep and sometimes if you don't force them to they never will. Try putting him down awake at naptime and let him cry for a little while. It will get him used to the idea and it wont bother you as much during the day. ~A

amy a said...

Maybe I am a meany too, but if this no sleeping thing continues until five months Jack will have to cry it out too. He definitly has to learn to put himself to sleep!