Saturday, January 26, 2008

Being a Mother

I have been missing from my blog lately...Twins keep you busy. Matt was gone all week, and I was basically a single parent of twins(the grandmas were hear to help me). I don't ever want to be a "single parent" again. I'm exhausted after one week.
Ok, back to the topic at hand. I have wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. And I always told people I would have twins. They would say, "Oh, do twins run in your family?" I would reply back, "No, but I am going to have them." Now that I do, I realize how much work two babies are! I can only assume that one baby is also hard.
I can honestly say though, that the work is all worth it. Knowing that I am mom to these two little babies is amazing. I have always looked at mothers with amazment, wondering what it was like. Knowing how great it must feel to have someone call you mom. It is great, wonderful, and amazing. I have a new appreciation for my own mother. I feel like I have joined a new club. At the same time though, I feel separated from mothers that have only one baby(sometimes even jealous). My day is totally exhausting, but I also am so lucky to get twice the smiles. Maybe someday I will have just one baby, and know what that is like, but for now, I have two. And all of the fun, stress, happiness, and craziness that goes with it. I guess I also joined that club too. The twin moms club. And I am happy to be in it.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The start of a terrible habit?

This morning I heard a cry over the monitor. It was 5:00, so it had to be Jack. He wakes up every morning at 5:00, and I have to drag myself out of bed and put him back to sleep until 6:00. I call it his "preemtive wakeup". He is just getting me ready for the real thing at 6:00. When I drug my tired body into the nursery this morning though, I saw something different. Jack's eyes were closed, he had broken out of his swaddle, and he was sucking on his hand. I decided to slowly back out of the nursery and see what would happen. He put himself back to sleep for an hour! I think he has been aiming for that thumb, but hasn't quite gotten it yet. Right now any part of the hand will do.
My mom claims that I started thumb sucking at six weeks. She didn't mind this because I could soothe myself to sleep, and I became a "good sleeper". Now for the bad part...I had braces for five years. So after $5,000 worth of orthodontia bills she reconsidered how great that habit really was. I will tell you that I will take $5,000 worth of bills to get this kid to sleep. Heck I'd pay twice that for a good night's sleep. So we'll see. One night does not make a habit, but it just might. And maybe I'll get some sleep too.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Life x2

Both babies seem to be sick or teething. Whatever it is, something is just not right. That's the way things go around here. When they had RSV it was sick times two. So I think that is the way it is always going to be. But it's not just the bad times two, it's also the good. Twice the smiles and twice the coos. Someday it will be twice the hugs and twice the kisses. Anytime I think it is just way too hard with two babies at the same time, I just look into their perfect little eyes, and know that things will be fine. Even better then fine. Things are great here in the Anderson house. There is plenty of love to go around. Even when both babies are screaming in my ear, I am so thankful for them. Sometimes it feels like my heart might burst with love. And the love(times two) is enough to get me through any problems we might have.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I knew this all along

I found this on another blog...aren't I proud of myself!

cash advance

Fast Payday Loans

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Dream Baby and the Rotten Egg

These nights will be the death of me! Two babies to feed and get back to bed, and they cry if anyone enters the nursery at night but me!
Sophie has learned to put herself to sleep. YAY! What an accomplishment. This means that she sleeps most of the night, and only wakes up to eat. Last night she woke up one time! Also YAY! And all I have to do to get her back to sleep is lay her in her crib. And she's out. All cuddled up, she loves to sleep. If I had one baby, imagine the sleep I would be getting!
Jack on the other hand needs a good rocking to go to sleep. He needs to feel just right to settle in. He usually wakes up about twice overnight(on a good night). On a bad night...look out. Mommy is never very happy the next day! His 6:00 wake up is never very nice either. I don't want to see anyone at 6:00 am after no sleep the night before. But when I get him out of his crib he is all smiles. And this morning I got an extra little snuggle on my shoulder as we went into the bathroom to see Daddy before he left for work. I guess that makes it all worth it. Even if it is a little hard to smile back at 6:00 am.
For now I just have to dream of a time when I will sleep again. I hope it isn't too far off!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Thoughts from The Twins Birthday

What an exciting day that was! It didn't go quite the way I planned, but that is ok because I never made a birth plan! Sophie got the party started at 4:30 am by breaking "her" water. Matt and I drove directly to the hospital, in an excited state. After being checked in and strapped to monitors, we played the waiting game. Around 3:30 pm after very little changes, the doctors advised us to go for a c-section. Ugh...not what I wanted, but at 5:11(Sophie) and 5:12(Jack), my two little babies were here! Finally I was a mom! Too bad I was the last one to get to see them! But they when I got to see them, I knew they were more than perfect! The best day of my life...